Seasons in a Mom's Life

Seasons in a mom’s life

All throughout life we go through different seasons of life. Some seasons are good and other seasons are not so good. We learn to adjust and to accomplish what we want. Or sometimes we feel like life is just drifting by and we are looking at time fly by without really accomplishing much.

Seasons in a moms life

Season with a newborn

When I first became a mom, it was a hard transition for me. I loved my baby girl so much, but it was a struggle to figure out how to juggle everything. It was a very busy season in life. Work, home, baby, and everything in between! We established new routines and life smoothed out some.

Season of little ones

Nineteen months later my beautiful baby boy made his appearance. Figuring out how to be a mom to two little ones only nineteen months apart was a constant struggle. I was still working full time. However, what I really wanted was to stay at home with my little ones. I loved my job, but I loved being a mom more. Time came to transition to staying home with my little one. It was the best choice I could have made. We established new routines and life smoothed out some!

Season of moving

This season is probably the hardest season of all. Moving overseas with a 3-year old and an almost 2-year old. We had some hard decisions to make. What to take with us? What were we going to do once there? What would our life look like? Would we adjust? Were we doing the best thing for our family? So many questions, and so little answers! But, we figured out what we needed and moved overseas.

Season of adjustment

Moving overseas was hard. We had to adjust to so many different things. Surprisingly, the transition was harder on us adults than on the children! I had to go back to work and my children had to go to daycare. This adjustment was so hard for me and my mom’s heart hurt so much to drop off my children in daycare and head to work. However, this time, I didn’t have a choice. After two-years, things settled down enough that I could finally stay-at-home again.

Season of surprises

I was so happy to be at home again with my little ones. My daughter was in kindergarten and my son stayed home with me. I enjoyed spending time volunteering at school and taking care of my home. I loved not having to go to work. This season of life was so enjoyable. Then came the unexpected surprise of another little one on the way! We were so excited. The little ones were looking forward to meeting their new little brother or sister. Sadly some things weren’t meant to be.

Season of losses

I lost my baby. I was heartbroken! We all cried so much. My husband was out of town and this was such a hard time for me. My mom came to stay with me for a while. I don’t know what I would have done without her help. She helped me through the grieving process and made our home life easier.

Season of acceptance

I couldn’t understand why the baby wasn’t meant to be, but slowly God helped realize that in everything there is a reason and that I could still trust in him. I clung to Him and found my strength in Him. Slowly I learned to accept what wasn’t to be. After a time, I found out we were expecting another child. This time I didn’t rush to tell everyone. I didn’t get too excited and prayed that this time everything would be fine. God granted my prayer and along came another beautiful baby boy.

Seasons of surprises

Seasons of joy

I stayed home to take care of my new little one. We decided to homeschool my 7 and 5-year-old. It was one of the best decisions we could have made. We became closer as a family. My two oldest became best friends, and I truly enjoyed being at home, teaching them and watching them grow.

Seasons of transition

As they got older, we contemplated changing things up. I needed to get back to work and we decided that the children should go to regular school. We applied for a new charter school. The kiddos got accepted. I applied for a job there and got it. So all four of us would go to the same place every day. It was a difficult and challenging transition for all. By then, my baby was 4-years-old and for the first time, he spent time without me. We had to learn a new rhythm of life, a new routine and I had to figure out how to juggle everything at home while working full time.

Seasons of waiting, learning, and applying

The children grew and we got comfortable with our new routine. I am now in a season of waiting and learning, of finding myself again outside of my role as a mom and wife. I am working on what I want to do for the rest of my life. The online business world is calling to me and as I learn and apply new skills, I will grow and share with you how this season of my life is going. What I am doing, what I am learning, how I am applying what I am learning and how I am growing my business.

Seasons of…

There are many, many more seasons in a mom’s life. Seasons of abundance, scarcity, joy, feeling stuck, seasons of losing your sense and purpose, among many others. Many times we go through the same seasons multiple times. Yet throughout them all, we grow, learn, adapt, and change. We strive for balance and joy and try to figure out how to live life on purpose. Without a relationship to God, I don’t think I’d have been able to survive some of the seasons I’ve been through. Even in the times when I have gotten far away from Him, He has still held my life in His hands and has guided me to where I need to be. I pray and hope that this is true for you as well

What season do you find yourself in? How has this season challenged you? How have you grown? What have you learned? What have you applied in your life?

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